Render farm software updates roundup March-April 2022

Render farm software updates roundup March-April 2022

Enjoy our next roundup of software updates on our render farm

Cinema 4D plugin v104 - v107

- Plugin UI is now displayed directly in renderBeamer

- Whole plugin functionality and render modes (camera/takes) stay exactly the same as in the previous version

- Cinema 4D process is blocked while the renderBeamer “Setup” tab is displayed. The reason is to prevent a user from making changes in the scene while the plugin is open.

- Current plugin view:

Render farm software updates roundup March-April 2022

- Fixed support for ~ character in assets names

- Fixed information about possible rendering options (animation/strips)

- Increased main scroll bar size and separation

- List of takes is automatically unfolded (similar kind of view like we had in the earlier plugin version)

- Single frame range is now forwarded with a single number value. Instead of 1to1s1 there is only 1 frame set in the range.

- In the Setup tab, renderBeamer logs panel is automatically hidden (released in renderBeamer 1.403)

- Whitespaces in takes name are automatically changed to _ character

- Fixed handling of X-Particles caches with Korean characters in paths

- Fixed the issue related to UHD cache uploading & relinking

- Added support for Corona 8 renderer

- Added support for LUTs in main render settings (support for separate LUTs “per camera” will be added in v108)

- Added support for external LUT files (not included in Corona render presets)

- Fixed sockets communication between the plugin and renderBeamer (port number from config file)

- Added X-Particles version to the .gfs file

New video tutorial - 3ds Max & V-Ray in Full animation mode

This video is an overview of the GarageFarm.NET rendering service with the 3ds Max plugin & V-Ray renderer using "full animation" mode. This mode should be used for fully animated scenes which include objects animations, materials changes, camera or light movement. This mode works only with Irradiance map & Light Cache. Before using "full animation" mode please make sure that your GI setup is set to Irradiance Map & Light cache.

V-Ray standalone plugin - v5

- Communication with renderBeamer is now based on socket API

- V-Ray scene base export application is now correctly set in the .gfs file 

- Fixed “index out of range” plugin script error

- Fixed interpolate output dir error (V-Ray scene file “line 62 error”)

- More details are now included in the plugin operations log

Web Manager update

- Added render progress preview for 3ds Max with Redshift renderer

- Added a column showing selected node groups in the jobs panel under the list view

- Added "multiple cameras in separate jobs" workflow to Blender (selecting cameras is optional, a job can render with no camera selected)

- Fixed the 3ds Max cameras/states issue where frame range could be submitted with strips

- Changed the nodes limit for Low priority from 100 to 75

Web Manager - browser upload for Blender

- Now .blend scenes can be uploaded to the farm using an internet browser

--- Just drag&drop a .blend file onto the file browser panel in Web Manager

--- Once a scene is uploaded, the job submission window will pop up automatically

--- Set your render settings and submit the job to the farm

- The scenes uploaded via a browser will render the same way as those uploaded via the renderBeamer app

CPU nodes and Low priority

- We removed the 60GB RAM limitation for jobs on Low. You'll have an option to choose nodes with both 60GB and 120GB RAM without extra charge.

- We changed the node number available for jobs on Low from 100 to 75. It is the maximum number of nodes you can use in a single job and the total node number available per user.

- These changes took effect on Monday, March 21, 2022.

renderBeamer - v1.403 & v.1.404

- Added autohiding logs functionality in embedded plugin UI

- Added possibility to install Redshift Standalone plugin

- Fixed showing embedded plugin UI in full screen on macOS

- Fixed blank page after canceling from embedded plugin UI

- Added first-time login window with language choice

- Added saving window size after application close

- Increased default window height

- Added a confirmation dialog for embedded plugin UI

SketchUp plugin v30

- Fixed “undefined method” script error

- Fixed plugin startup issues with V-Ray 5.x

Maya plugin v113 & v114

- Fixed <camera> name prefix frame saving issues. Now the <camera> name prefix is automatically removed from the scene.

- Improved handling redshift proxy sequences

- Fixed handling Redshift proxy sequences

- Fixed sockets communication with renderBeamer

- Added support for Maya 2023

- Fixed relinking expression paths in X-Gen settings

After Effects plugin v24

- Added JPG output extension

- Fixes and improvements in UI - dropdown menus, forwarding output formats, scrollbar size

Blender plugin v73 & v74

- Selected GPU device is now saved into .gfs file

- Fixed IES relinking issues

- Added support for Blender 3.2 alpha

- Improved plugin installer. If Blender is not installed in the default path, the plugin will ask for Blender location. Also, it's now automatically added to the Blender/Render menu.

- Fixed sockets communication issues

3ds Max plugin v150

- Added support for 3ds Max 2023

- Added support for Chaos Corona 8

Redshift standalone plugin v1

Redshift standalone rendering is now fully supported on our farm! If you have a project created in Houdini using Redshift as a render engine, you can now export the scene to .rs and render it on GarageFarm. 

- Plugin is available to install directly from renderBeamer plugins tab

- After installing the plugin, just use RMB on an exported .rs file and choose “renderBeamer - send to farm”

- Plugin settings UI is available directly in renderBeamer

- Plugin includes an asset tracker to handle asset paths

- Keep in mind that the plugin will work only with the same Redshift version as the one used when exporting the scene. So for example, if a scene was exported in 3.0 and Redshift was updated to 3.5 - our plugin won't work. The same Redshift version must be used both for exporting & uploading a scene to the farm.

- Windows support only

Render farm software updates roundup March-April 2022

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